Things To Consider When You Are Selecting Your New Breast Implants
If you have made the decision to pursue breast augmentation, you'll have a few different decisions to make. First, you need to settle on what size of implant you want. This will directly affect the final cup size of your breasts when the surgery is complete. Once you decide that, though, you have to determine what type of implant you want. When choosing between saline and silicone, there are a few things to think about.
The Size Of The Incision
The type of implant you choose will directly affect the size of the incision used during the surgery. Silicone implants come prefilled with a thick fluid, which means that they require a significant incision to put them in place. That often means a larger scar left after healing as well. Silicone implants, on the other hand, come filled with air. The air is removed during the insertion surgery, which means that they can be folded up to be put in place, and then they are filled afterward. That means that you will have a much smaller incision, which results in less scarring.
The Final Feeling
When it comes to choosing the fill material, another thing to think about is how the final implant will feel. The saline implants are filled with a thin, almost water-like liquid that won't feel quite as natural as the silicone variety. Silicone implants are made to feel as much like a natural breast as possible. If you're particular about how you want the implants to feel, you might find that silicone is a better option.
The Potential Problems
No matter which type of implant you choose, you're not without the risk of some potential complications. For example, a silicone implant is at risk of a rupture. Unfortunately, you may not always be able to tell if it has ruptured, because the silicone will fill the cavity where the implant was inserted. Since silicone is so thick, it won't be absorbed by the body the way that saline can. Even some of the ultrasounds and MRIs done to determine the implant condition may not be able to show if the implant is ruptured at all.
Saline implants are prone to deflation. If the implant bursts and deflates, the saline will leak into the implant cavity, eventually being absorbed by the body. That results in a breast that becomes markedly smaller in size, which makes it obvious that it has burst. You'll have to undergo surgery to remove the implant shell and replace it with a new one.
Keep this information in mind as you decide what type of material you want used for your breast augmentation.