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Looking for a Pediatrician? 2 Tips to Help With Your Search

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Finding out that you or a significant other are pregnant can fill you with a ball of emotions. Bringing another life to the planet is an immense privilege and one that you don’t take lightly. You’re super excited as you think about nurturing the baby and teaching them all of the lessons you’ve garnered throughout your own journey. There is so much to do as you prepare for the birth, combined with plans to make once the newborn arrives. Read More»

Testosterone Replacement Options for Scatterbrained People

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Would you consider yourself scatterbrained? If so, you might have concerns about starting an intensive medication, such as testosterone replacement. After all, these medications need to be used on a regular schedule in order to be most effective. If you forget a dose or often forget doses, they may not work well and they may cause side effects. But being scatterbrained is not a great reason to avoid testosterone replacement if your doctor thinks it may be a wise choice for you. Read More»

Here's What You Need To Know If You Are Taking A Beta Blocker & Need Allergy Testing

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If you have been experiencing allergic reactions to something and you’d like to know just what that ‘something’ is, you should see a dermatologist or an allergist to have some allergy testing done. As with most medical tests and evaluations, you will be asked a series of questions regarding your health and what medications you may be taking: prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Here’s why and what you need to know about contraindications of beta-blockers and allergy skin tests before you have allergy testing done. Read More»

First Pap Test? What You Should Know Before Your OBGYN Appointment

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What should you expect from your first pap smear? According to the U.S. Office on Women’s Health, most women need to start this type of reproductive health screening at 21. If you’re in your early 20s and haven’t had a pap test yet, take a look at what you need to know about the process and your next obgyn visit. What Should Women Know About the Pap Smear? The pap smear (a. Read More»

How Can Melatonin Help Sleep Disorders?

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If you have a sleep disorder, then you can use various tactics and medications to get a better night’s sleep. For example, some people benefit from taking melatonin supplements. What is melatonin and how does it help people with sleep disorders? Is this the best option for your problem? What Is Melatonin? Your body naturally produces melatonin. This hormone helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. It should make you sleepy and awake at the right times. Read More»

Important Features Of Effective Claims Processing Systems

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When an insured patient receives medical care, the services are billed to their insurance company. Medical providers, such as doctors’ offices, submit the claim forms to the insurers. Some forms are submitted electronically. Others are submitted as paper documents. Regardless of how the claims are received, insurance companies must process the claims information according to their guidelines in order to pay them correctly. After the claims are processed, the insurers can release the associated payments to the medical provider. Read More»

Open Or Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Which One Is Better For You?

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If you recently injured your spine, the pain and suffering you experience may be unbearable for you right now. Your physician may ask you to undergo open spine surgery to repair your injury. But if you don’t want to spend a lot of time in the operating room or recovery room, you may choose to live with your pain. You can choose to repair your injury with minimally invasive spine surgery instead. Read More»

Planning A Tummy Tuck? 4 Things You Can Expect Following The Procedure

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If you’ve decided to have a tummy tuck, you’re not alone. Tummy tucks are a popular cosmetic procedure. There are a variety of reasons to have a tummy tuck. Some women undergo tummy tucks to restore their stomachs to pre-pregnancy appearance. Others have tummy tucks to alleviate the bulge left behind after weight loss. Regardless of the reason, tummy tucks remain an excellent way to obtain a flatter stomach. Now that you’re preparing for your tummy tuck, you’ll also want to prepare for the recovery process. Read More»

4 Signs That It Is Time To Consider In-Home Care

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In-home care is a plethora of services that can range from simple help doing day-to-day tasks like cooking or bathing to round-the-clock medical care. In-home care offers an alternative to a nursing home; it allows individuals the freedom and comfort of living at home. So, how do you know when it is time for you or a loved one to receive in-home care? Here are 4 signs that in-home care services might be right for you or your loved one:  Read More»

4 Tips for Buying Medical Scrubs

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Scrubs are an integral part of most health care professionals’ uniforms. Scrubs allow patients to easily identify medical staff. They also keep doctors and nurses safe and comfortable throughout their workday. Since scrubs are so important, it’s important to choose your scrubs with care. Here are four tips that will help you shop for medical scrubs: 1. Choose comfortable scrubs. Doctors and nurses typically work long hours. Comfort is of the utmost importance when you plan to be at work all day. Read More»