4 Techniques To Improve The Symptoms Of Quadriceps Tendonitis
Quadriceps tendonitis affects the thick band of fibrous tissue that connects the quadriceps muscle to the bone in the lower leg, causing pain just above the knee bone. The affected tendon may also be stiff, swollen, or sensitive to touch. Resting, treating the affected leg with ice, and performing low-impact exercises at home can help you relieve the inflammation caused by quadriceps tendonitis, reducing pain and making it easier to participate in your regular activities. Here are four techniques you can use to control your symptoms.
Quadriceps Stretches
Using a sturdy chair or table to maintain your balance, grasp the foot of the affected leg. Bend the leg behind you, pulling your knee up toward your bottom while keeping your back straight. Once you feel the muscle stretch, hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds. If you are able to do the stretch without experiencing any discomfort, repeat it nine more times.
Quadriceps Contraction
Sit on a flat surface with a rolled-up towel under your knee. Push your knee into the towel to tighten the quadriceps muscle. Once the muscle contracts, hold the position for at least 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise a total of 10 times to loosen the muscle and avoid putting unnecessary strain on the affected tendon.
Patella Taping
Patella taping provides support for the knee and reduces stress on the affected tendon, relieving the symptoms of quadriceps tendonitis. Place a piece of non-adhesive sports tape on your kneecap; then use your thumb to pull the kneecap toward the inside of your knee. At the same time, use one of your fingers to pull the skin from the inside of your knee toward your kneecap. When you place the sports tape on the inside of your knee, you should be able to see some wrinkling in the skin.
If your symptoms prevent you from performing therapeutic stretches, use the R.I.C.E. method to relieve pain and inflammation: rest, ice, compress, and elevate. Rest the affected leg as much as possible to eliminate strain on the tendon. Reduce inflammation by applying an ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Prevent further damage by compressing the affected area with a bandage and sitting with your leg elevated.
Left untreated, quadriceps tendonitis can cause a significant amount of discomfort and make it difficult to participate in your daily activities. If using these techniques does not relieve your symptoms, schedule an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. An orthopedist can help you develop a custom exercise plan or refer you to a physical therapist. If you experience any discomfort while performing therapeutic stretches, stop doing the stretches immediately and consult an experienced physician.
For more information, contact Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester or a similar location.