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Four Foods That May Help Protect Against Prostate Cancer

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There are so many risk factors for prostate cancer, from age to family history, to exposure to certain toxins. There is nothing you can do to completely guarantee you won’t get this condition, and that can be scary–especially if you have a family history of prostate cancer. What you can do, however, is focus on reducing your risk as much as possible. One way to do that is by improving your diet. Read More»

4 Reasons To Use Aloe Vera Lotion

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Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years to promote good health and healing. In this day and age, you can find aloe vera in lotions, gels, and even beverages. The compounds in this plant have many benefits, and using aloe vera, such as from Forever Living Products, is a good option for anyone who wants versatility and flexibility. There are many reasons to use aloe vera, such as: Treat Sunburned Skin Read More»

4 Tips For Making Sure Your Child Doesn't Hate Going To The Doctor After Surgery

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It is relatively common for young children who undergo surgery to have some fear or apprehension of medical professionals after their treatment. For some children, this can make future visits to the doctor difficult. However, there are several things you can do as a parent that will help reduce the likelihood that your child will develop a strong phobia of the doctor’s office or medical professionals after their treatment.  Explain Their Treatment Thoroughly  Read More»

Women And Chronic Constipation: Do Something About Your Stubborn Bowels Now

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If you constantly struggle with constipation, you might use laxatives, drink prune juice, or try other methods to soften up your bowels. But if nothing you do works, it’s time to see a personal physician. Although constipation can happen to any woman, the problem shouldn’t be something you struggle with on a daily basis. Chronic constipation may indicate problems with your digestive system. Here are things to know about constipation and how you can alleviate it safely. Read More»

Dealing With Varicose Veins: What Causes Them And How Are They Treated?

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Have you recently noticed that you have varicose veins? These are traditional veins that swollen and enlarged, making them visibly noticeable through your skin. It is common to see them on the legs, but you could have them on other areas of your body, too. If you are not happy with the appearance of these varicose veins and they are causing you some discomfort, you might want to figure out what you can do to get rid of them and prevent more from developing. Read More»

Could Your Back Pain Be Caused By Osteoporosis?

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If you work a physical job or your hobbies include back-bending activities like gardening, golfing, or tennis, you may assume that any chronic back pain you’re experiencing is just one of the more unpleasant changes that can come with aging. However, for those who have struggled with bone density issues in their younger years, chronic pain in the upper or lower back can actually signify spinal compression fractures. Read on to learn more about the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of these compression fractures. Read More»

Can A DIY Massage Help Alleviate Your Back Pain?

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To overcome back pain, many people are practicing do-it-yourself massages at home. It might not sound like a good idea, but it is sometimes possible to alleviate the pain you are experiencing. If you are planning to try a DIY back massage, here is what you need to know: Do You Need Any Special Tools? Obviously, reaching the affected area with your hands will be extremely challenging. The use of aids can help make the job easier. Read More»

Recently Diagnosed With Lupus? Here's How To Cope

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More than 1.5 million Americans suffer from lupus, an autoimmune disease where your immune system turns on itself and attacks your organs and tissue.  The resulting inflammation that lupus creates affects many different systems in your body, and no two people experience the exact same thing. Your heart, lungs, brain, joints, skin, kidneys, and blood cells are all targets. If you have been recently diagnosed with lupus, don’t despair. Modern medicine is continuing to learn more about this disease, and is discovering new treatment possibilities. Read More»

Stair Lift Customizations And Options

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A stair lift can be a blessing for an elderly or disabled person who lives in a two-story house. A stair lift is a mechanical device for lifting people up and down stairs.  A stair lift can provide easy access to both floors of a house whenever needed. There are many ways that you can customize a stair lift for the mobility of the person who uses it. Here are some customization options that you can have included when you buy or rent a stair lift for your home:   Read More»

How To Diagnose Gallstones With An Abdominal Ultrasound

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Most people do not know that they have gallstones until they are found while doing another test. This condition is usually not symptomatic and does not require treatment for many people. Gallstones only become a problem when one gets caught up in your cystic duct. This action drains your gallbladder. Common symptoms include severe and sudden pain to the stomach, back pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, shivering, dark urine, clay-colored stools and jaundice. Read More»