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Six Important Mistakes To Avoid When Recovering From Spine Surgery

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If you need to undergo surgery of the spine to correct a health issue you’re dealing with, it’s important to avoid mistakes during recovery so that you heal properly and avoid chronic discomfort and complications down the road.  The following are six mistakes that it’s important for you to avoid when you’re recovering from spine surgery: Being completely sedentary While immediately after the procedure it will be necessary to rest for a few days, in the days and weeks following spinal surgery, it’s a good idea to get at least a small amount of light activity each day. Read More»

Neurocysticercosis: The Terrible And Ugly Truth About Your Pork Chops And Bacon

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Neurocysticercosis is a horrifying disease caused by pork tapeworms. Its earliest recordings in history often led certain people to swear off the meat and contact with pigs. Many Jewish sects still will not eat pork of any kind, fearing this disease and avoiding it as part of their religious customs. What actually makes this disease so awful? Here is the awful truth about this disease, the nasty little parasites that cause it, and how to prevent it. Read More»

Consider Acupuncture As You Recover From A Surgical Procedure

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After you’ve gone through a surgical procedure, you can expect that your primary care doctor will outline the various elements that you’ll need to fully recover. For example, you might need to attend physical therapy sessions one or more times per week, as well as learn how you change your dressings and even give yourself injections. While it’s vitally important that you carefully follow these steps, you might wish to also seek complementary forms of care, provided that your doctor agrees. Read More»

Your Guide To Hearing Health Conditions

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When you are interested in getting the most out of your hearing, you need to remember that, like any other facet of your health, you will need to touch base with medical professionals. By getting in touch with audiologists for diagnosis and treatment, you’ll have a better shot at making the most of your hearing loss. Read the points below so that you can handle your hearing health conditions with the care that you deserve. Read More»

Suffering Hand Pain And Numbness? What You Should Know About Repetitive Motion Injuries

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Repetitive motion injuries are a growing problem affecting people in many occupations across the nation.  People who perform hours of repetitive work-related tasks such as data entry, assembly line work, construction work, or painting are often affected. In addition to these injuries occurring in relation to an occupation, hobbies such as needlepoint, beading, sports activities, or even jogging can increase risks of developing this type of injury. If you are currently experiencing pain or discomfort in your hands, wrists, or shoulders and are concerned that you may be  developing a repetitive motion injury, the following information can help: Read More»