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How To Diagnose Gallstones With An Abdominal Ultrasound

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Most people do not know that they have gallstones until they are found while doing another test. This condition is usually not symptomatic and does not require treatment for many people. Gallstones only become a problem when one gets caught up in your cystic duct. This action drains your gallbladder. Common symptoms include severe and sudden pain to the stomach, back pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, shivering, dark urine, clay-colored stools and jaundice. Read More»

Tips To Speed Up An Urgent Care Visit

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There are many reasons to consider urgent care over the emergency room for treatment of minor illnesses and injuries, but speed is a major one. Most urgent care facilities process patients much more quickly than the standard emergency room since they don’t tend to deal with major, time-consuming health complaints. The following tips can further help speed up your visit. Tip #1: Check ahead Chances are you want to limit your search to the urgent care facilities in your hospital or insurance network; otherwise, you may need to pay out of pocket for services. Read More»

In Pain After The Military? Get Compensation And Relief

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Serving in the military can be exhilarating and dangerous, boring and tedious, intriguing and enlightening, and so many other things at the same time. The experience takes a toll on the body, whether you’re a roug- riding combat veteran, a hardened tech with grit from military machines, or rotting away in a remote duty station in the worst chair ever conceived by the Department of Defense. No matter your experience or the cause, pain can ruin your transition to a civilian life. Read More»

Preventing The Loss Of Your Fetus With Prenatal Care From Your Doctor

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Birth weight is at the center of the discourse about why it’s so very important for you to have prenatal care at every step of your pregnancy. Low birth rate sets the stage for a higher risk that you will suffer the loss of your fetus. As a matter of fact, research notes that if you are over 35 years old and you’ve had five or more children and you’ve not received prenatal care, your fetus could die. Read More»

Four Eye Care Tips For The Winter

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The cold, harsh winter weather presents a few hazards to your health. Not only can it dry out and chap your skin, but it can also dry out your eyes, increasing your risk of corneal scratches and infections. To make sure winter does not land you at an emergency eye doctor appointment, follow these eye care tips. Opt for glasses over contacts on the windiest days. Cold winter wind can dry your eyes out at any time, but this effect is even more pronounced when you wear contacts. Read More»