Anxiety: It Only Takes One Phone Call to Get Help

Itchy Scalp? Treating Your Scalp For Common Skin Conditions At Home

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Psoriasis, dandruff, and dermatitis are all common and uncomfortable conditions that can make your skin itch and feel dry. Each is slightly different, so you need to treat the conditions in different ways. Here’s how to treat them at home, naturally. How to Treat Psoriasis At Home If you’ve noticed red, flaky patches on your scalp and skin, psoriasis may be the cause. The condition is an autoimmune disorder, which means there’s no cure. Read More»

Surgical Treatment For Your Arthritic Ankle

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As arthritis wears down the bone and cartilage in your ankle, walking becomes more painful. Anti-inflammatory and pain medications help a little, but eventually they won’t relieve all of the pain. A surgical procedure to replace your ankle joint may be the fix you’re looking for. Here is an explanation of how arthritis is damaging your ankles and how ankle surgery can give you relief. Why Arthritis Causes Ankle Inflammation and Pain Read More»

Pes Anserine Bursitis And Its Treatment

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Endurance athletes are often some of the healthiest individuals. However, these individuals are frequently troubled with a variety of different overuse injuries. The areas injured are typically those that are utilized most frequently by the athlete. Cyclists and runners tend to be some of the most frequently injured athletes due to the repetitive nature of their sports. One injury that each group of athletes experiences frequently is called pes anserine bursitis. Read More»

4 Techniques To Improve The Symptoms Of Quadriceps Tendonitis

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Quadriceps tendonitis affects the thick band of fibrous tissue that connects the quadriceps muscle to the bone in the lower leg, causing pain just above the knee bone. The affected tendon may also be stiff, swollen, or sensitive to touch. Resting, treating the affected leg with ice, and performing low-impact exercises at home can help you relieve the inflammation caused by quadriceps tendonitis, reducing pain and making it easier to participate in your regular activities. Read More»

Veteran Health Options May Require Supplemental Support

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Whether you’re working through a claim with the US Department of Veterans Affairs, already covered by Veterans Affairs (VA) compensation or appealing a denial, you may need more than the VA’s clinic support. For many veterans unable to find work or unable to work due to injuries, there aren’t many affordable options to tide you over until a VA decision is reached. A few concepts of VA support, claims filing and Medicare supplement plan options can help you understand your healthcare situation and move to a more comfortable form of coverage. Read More»