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6 Tips For Caring For Your Skin In The Winter

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When the temperatures drop below freezing, they can suck the humidity out of the air and dry out your skin. If you do not take proper care of your skin during the wintertime, it can start to crack and bleed. Here are six helpful tips for caring for your skin in the winter: Choose the Right Moisturizer You likely already know that moisturizing your skin regularly during the winter is essential. Read More»

3 Reasons You Should Replace Hormonal Birth Control With Natural Family Planning Methods

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There are many people across the country that are turning to more natural methods for numerous things, including heating their home and treating their colds. The same can be said for family planning. Why would someone want to replace their hormonal birth control with a natural method? Here are three of reasons: 1. You’ll Reduce Your Risk of Losing Your Breasts. According to the National Cancer Institute, you are at an increased risk of developing certain cancers if you take hormonal birth control, such as the pill. Read More»

Treatment For Delayed Injuries From An Auto Accident

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You’re in a minor fender bender with your car where nobody appears to be hurt. You wake up in a couple of days with neck pain and a headache. This delayed reaction to an injury from such an accident is referred to as whiplash and you’ll want to see an auto accident chiropractor to treat the injury and get rid of the pain. Here is what happened to cause the pain and the typical ways a specialist can help you. Read More»

What Are The Different Types Of Cataracts?

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Cataracts are a common condition that may lead to complete vision loss if left untreated. It occurs when the normally clear natural lenses in the eyes become thick and opaque. This causes the vision to become cloudy, foggy, or blurred and may also affect how color is perceived. One who has cataracts may also be overly sensitive to lights and may have trouble seeing at night. There are different types of cataracts that develop for different reasons. Read More»

Tips For Quick Transitions When Going To Physical Therapy On Your Lunch Hour

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If you accidentally injure yourself, chances are good that you are going to have your doctor recommend physical therapy to you. This can be frustrating because you might not feel that you have the time to go to physical therapy. You might work demanding hours that don’t leave energy for physical therapy or physical therapists in your area might not be open late. One way to make sure that you go and recover from your injury without having to change your work schedule is to go to physical therapy during your lunch hour. Read More»

Common Signs of Melanoma

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Melanoma is one of the more common types of cancer, and it is estimated that almost 74,000 new melanomas will be diagnosed in 2015. Luckily, melanoma is relatively easy to treat when it is caught early. When melanoma is discovered while in the earliest stage (1A), the 5 year survival rate is 97% and the 10 year survival rate is 95%. Like all types of cancers, if melanoma is not caught early and treated as soon as possible it can spread and the survival rate is lower when the cancer is at a later stage when found. Read More»

Why Dentists Are Monitoring Wisdom Teeth Earlier Than Ever

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Most people think of getting your wisdom teeth as an end-of-high-school event; certainly less exciting than prom, but perhaps not as bad as an AP Calculus final. But more people are now choosing to have their wisdom teeth monitored starting years earlier, sometimes as early as 11 or 12, and then having their wisdom teeth removed before they erupt. So why the change – and is it a good idea? Read More»

Tummy Tuck Tips: 3 Things You Need To Know To Help Your Procedure Go Smoothly

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Abdominoplasty, aka tummy tuck, is a very popular procedure for individuals who have excess skin around their abdomen, which is most commonly from having a baby (or two or three!) or losing a significant amount of weight. This skin is unflattering, but a tummy tuck removes that excess skin and fat from the area, tightens the muscles and leaves the skin tighter and flatter. However, if a tummy tuck procedure is something you’re considering, here are three things that you need to be aware of to help improve your chances of a smooth, successful procedure and recovery: Read More»

Ideas For Keeping Loved Ones In Wheelchairs Active

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Just because a person is in a wheelchair doesn’t mean that they have to limit their activities as much as some may think. It doesn’t mean no longer being active and just spending life sitting and doing more passive activities. In fact, exercise can help people in wheelchairs stay healthy and maintain their muscle mass. Many people have come up with ways to modify both wheelchairs and the way certain activities are done to make more active pursuits achievable even for people with major mobility issues, such as quadriplegics. Read More»

How To Deal With A New Food Allergy

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Food allergies can develop at any time in your life. If you suspect that you have a food allergy, here are some steps that you can take to protect your health and avoid a health emergency. Visit an Allergy Specialist The first step to treating an allergy is to confirm it. When you visit an allergy physician, they will do some comprehensive testing to determine what you’re allergic to and how severe the allergy is. Read More»